2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program


Cerulean hauntings

Cerulean hauntings  // Cerulean hemsökelser

An immersive mapping exercise of Malmö’s blue urban commons

What can the sea being turned into harbour grounds, wetlands being drained and built upon, public paddling pools being paved over, and public fountains being disused, tell us about our past, present, and potential future relationship with the beyond-human waterscapes of Malmö?

In an immersive mapping exercise in two parts, we reflect on the shifting socio-ecological status, being, and demise of various “blue commons” in Malmö.

The workshop spans 3 hours, starting at Nobeltorget and ending at STPLN.

In part 1, we will explore 3 different “hauntings” of blue commons in Sofielund – engaging visually (taking photographs) and sonically (listening to place-specific “blue” soundtracks) with each space.

In part 2, at STPLN, we take our recent experiences from Sofielund to collaboratively trace the (dis)appearance of various public waterways and bodies in Malmö. To our help we have historical maps and photographs from the digital archives of Lantmäteriet, Malmö Stad, and Riksarkivet.

The outcome of the creative mapping practice will be three large maps, which make visible the past, present, and potential futures of Malmö’s “blue” ontologies.

Workshop starting place: Nobeltorget

Workshop ending place: STPLN

Link to the registration

Part of the Locally Alien Festival.
