2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program


Design Conversations

A conversation about the role of design(ers) within the new Swedish policy for Designed Living Environment.

How can the field of design gain a more prominent place in social development and politics? Is there a need for a retake of the design role of the future or is it about a broader implementation of design processes? These are some of the questions that our invited guests will discuss among themselves before the audience is invited to participate in the conversation. Breakfast is included.

Register here ››

Policy for Designed Living Environment

Form/Design Center and Röhsska museum are jointly arranging an open moderated discussion about the role of design(ers) within the new Swedish policy for Designed Living Environment.

The Government Bill “Policy for Designed Living Environment” takes an integrated approach to the work on the designed living environment while also providing a comprehensive national architecture policy.

The aim is to make the very most of what architecture and design can bring to the development of society, for the benefit and enjoyment of all. This is important for social progress and requires increased awareness and clear ambition on the part of all decision-makers.

Read more about the Policy for Designed Living Environment here
