2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program

Window display


doarras_katarina kielatis_photo Carl-Johan Utsi

Sámi design and 3D printed bling bling

The mass-producing and destructive consumer society we are all a part of, represented here in the choice of materials, meets the Sami handicraft, duodje. It creates a dissonance with traditional Sami knowledge. Duodje is the foundation that has been transformed into this work with blue plastic bags from a well-known Swedish company and details in red and yellow cloth that are hand-sewn at the edges, as well as a hand-woven wool ribbon, lissto. Traditional Sami design meets ugly materials. The work was created for the Jåhkåmåhkke winter market in 2020. Since then, the work has been exhibited at the Formex fair in Stockholm the same year.

Photo: Carl-Johan Utsi
