2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program


Konsten att leva på det vi gör

Photo Daniel Engvall, Form Design Center Fasad

A handbook for visual creators

Svenska Tecknare invites you to participate in a breakfast seminar at Form/Design Center in connection to the release of the organisations new handbook "The art of making a living".

Nille Svensson, graphic designer and Svenska Tecknare board member, talks us through a business that seems to be ever changing. What does the overall development mean in terms of financial, cultural and creative sustainability for the business? Where can we find common ground?

The seminar includes a complimentary breakfast. There is a limited number of seats and a reservation is required. Make sure to reserve a spot by e-mailing info@svenskatecknare.se by May 22nd, with the headline "SSDD 2023".
