2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program


Malmö in the making

Malmö in the making

Objects that reflect Malmö's identity

In 2023, the city of Malmö is the official partner of Copenhagen when they celebrate the UNESCO title of World Capital of Architecture. Malmö in the making is part of Copenhagen's program and Malmö's investment during the year to explore what the city's space, architecture and culture mean to the people of Malmö and how together we can shape the city's development.

In the City Planning Office's model workshop, there are 3D printers, 3D scanners, laser cutters and other aids to produce physical models in various designs and materials. The models are used for everything from planning and consultation to land designation competitions and exhibitions.

During SSDD, we show examples of different kinds of models from the planning process and the occasional model of buildings that, for various reasons, did not come to fruition.

Together we explore how possible dissonances can be a driving force for conversation, debate and development.

Parts of the city's model workshop are also made mobile and visitors are invited to, together with our model builders, select a 3D model of a favourite Malmö building.

If you want to know more about everything that happens during Malmö in the making during the year, you can find us here https://malmo.se/malmointhemaking and here @malmointhemaking.
