2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program


Memories of the psychiatric care

Jonatan Hedetoft closeup

Suicidal Tendencies

My work visualizes what the non-mentally ill population in the world often cannot understand in order to see and comprehend it. It is the new scream.

"Mania, madness, and insanity! A razor-sharp and heightened state of confusing sensations in several dark dimensions! The condition can last for days that turn into weeks and months! During the healthy-sick state of mind, the flame of anxious self-hatred burns, the body craves unhealthy hallucinogenic and intoxicating substances to self-medicate its self-hatred, in the midst of the euphoric anxious creative process! The black peaks the systematic anger and anxiety of self-hatred, the darkly abstracted and square episodes! Death is always far away, yet always close! It is a physical mania and madness in its purest form! Something you can feel and look at. This describes a creative black and dark self-hatred! It is a heavy approach to oneself! The situation is laughable! It is a feeling of Memento Mori - You know you are mortal! Remember that you are mortal! Because you can die! You will die!"

Not only statistics! from Jonatan Hedetoft on Vimeo.
