2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program


Met-Amorph Pigment

A project about transformation and the embracement of dissonance to create balance.

The project is representing the transformation or the “metamorphosis” of the pigment. The amorphous shapes of the objects showing endless possibilities where the results represent flexible shapes transformed into solid, just like the pigment that can be formed from fluid to solid. I mixed traditional crafts, slow making and new technologies to create the Met-Amorph Pigment collection. My focus has been on natural colours for a long time, looking at the colours´ whole lifecycle, the footprint they leave throughout their lifespan, and even after. I want to draw the attention to the colours as multi-purpose tangible materials, local production and sustainability.

The Met-Amorph Pigment collection includes jewellery and textile pieces. Some of them are possible to purchase during the exhibition.

