2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program

Open house


Mötesplats bageriet

MÖTESPATS BAGERIET, a meeting place created and built by LILLA SNICKEIRET MALMÖ for the bakery BAGAREN & BONDEN, an organic handmade bakery.

"MÖTESPLATS BAGERIET" is a meeting place created and built by LILLA SNICKERIET MALMÖ, which facilitates meetings in the city where discussions can arise about how we use the urban space, how we produce and distribute food and much more. The meeting place becomes an unexpected element in the cityscape where the use of the street space creates dissonance in relation to the normative use. The program point concerns social sustainability, meeting places in the city, breaking patterns in the city, local design and small-scale production, distributed economy, diversified urban environment for reduced transport and packaging needs. The program item is an introduction to the discussion around sustainable urban development.
