2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program


No sense of balls - CANDYTUFT does sport

candytuft - sport

Playing with conventions and kicking balls - Candytuft is back. Sportier than ever.

Drawing inspiration from our ever-failing sense of balls (catching them that is) and general lack of sporty knowledge, we have taken over the gym and locker rooms at Malmö rowing club for a four day home game.

Welcome to an exhibition filled with opposing teams, locker room talk, corrupt judges and ecstatic supporters. We have invited a group of artists and designers to create pieces on the theme of SPORTS. On our playing field winners and losers share the same podium.

Presenting our team: 

  • Linda Ottosson 
  • Jennifer Idrizi 
  • Lisa Vaccino 
  • Hanna Säll + Hanna-Kaarina Heikkilä
  • Elizabeth Lewis
  • Graham Adey
  • Sofie Håwi + Mikkel Garde 
  • Carl Fredrik Emrik 
  • Lotta Grimborg
  • Evelina Björnqvist
  • Oskar Olsson + Anna Gudmundsdottir

On the bench: Candytuft aka Maria O'Brian + Ebba Lindgren

Photos: Ruth Granath
