2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program




The last frontier of sampling is place-based!

Calling all music producers, beatmakers, artists and musicians! On May 27 we celebrate sample-based music. Together with Skåne Stadsmission, we want to hear what you are chopping, slicing, looping, recycling, upcyling and reusing.

Pass-The-Aux (PTX) provides time and space for sharing demos, unfinished tracks, unreleased music (new & old) and whatever you are working on at the moment.

As a part of Southern Sweden Design Days, this edition of PTX highlights modern music production and the art of sampling. We also want to raise awareness of the dissonance between technological, legal and cultural dynamics that will shape the future of sample-based music.

Advances in technology have made it easier than ever to access and manipulate samples from a wide range of sources. However, concerns around copyright infringement and intellectual property have also led to increased scrutiny and regulation of sample-based music.

On Cite won’t let digital platforms gentrify our creativity.

The last frontier of sampling is place-based!


  • 15:00 PTX starts. Talk to us. Crate dig.
  • 16:00 Aux cable will be passed around.
  • 18:00 PTX ends.

We have adapters for Iphone and Android. 404s, Trackers, MPCs and other portable devices are welcome too.

**Bring a friend to work!**

Anyone who just want to vibe out and listen is more than welcome.

This event is not genre specific.

This event is free to attend.



