2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program

Open house

Work in Shop

Get an insight into how an artisan makes her unique items

In 2023, southern Sweden's largest arts and crafts cooperative Formargruppen turns 40! Over the years, hundreds of southern Swedish artisans have collaborated to run the shop, exchange experiences and knowledge. Right now we are 22 artisans who work with ceramics, silver, textiles and wood. With our hands we produce unique items and during SSDD you can get an insight into how it can be done as some of our members will have their temporary workshop in the store.

25/5 Anna Malmsjö Ahlberg, ceramic

26/5 Åsa Erwall Simpson, silver

27/5 Jola Glimäng, tufting

28/5 Jytte Olsson, textile print
