2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program

Strategic partners

Swedish Design Movement

Swedish Design Movement brings together players in Swedish design, fashion and architecture who are spearheading the transition to sustainability. The initiative seeks to put Sweden on the international design map, raise the profile of sustainable Swedish businesses and set a global example. Design has an important role to play in the transition to a sustainable society, both in Sweden and globally. By mobilizing Swedish architects, fashion and furniture designers, researchers, producers and other actors, the Swedish Design Movement wants to help lead the transformation.

Swedish Design Movement is a Swedish government initiative managed by the Swedish Institute in collaboration with Architects Sweden, the Swedish Fashion Association, the Swedish Federation of Wood and Furniture Industry, the Swedish Society of Crafts and Design (Svensk Form), Swedish cities, regions and other partners. Its mission is to build an attractive platform for industry players that want to strengthen their international presence and promote global sustainable development, which also benefits Swedish exports.