2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program


Award Ceremony: Region Skåne's Design Award

region skåne

Celebrating good design and sustainable development in the region

Region Skåne's design award rewards good design of a product, function or service that is important for regional development. The award highlights the importance of design for sustainable development and promotes good examples that can inspire and motivate others. The award wants to encourage, engage and contribute to the public conversation about the importance of design for sustainable development in the Skåne region.

The jury consists of representatives from Form/Design Center, the School of Industrial Design - LTH, Region Skåne and appointed design practitioners.

Winner 2023 

Lilla Elefant

Yesol Kim uses design to change the view of disability and, together with Peder Karlsson, designs furniture that offers a greater measure of freedom for wheelchair users in the home environment.


Under the Lilla Elefant brand, Yesol Kim and Peder Karlsson design furniture based on the needs of disabled people with high craftsmanship and well-thought-out, well-balanced design.

Based on her own experiences as a wheelchair user, Yesol Kim strives to change the view of disabilities and how we relate to them. By participating in several exhibitions, Yesol Kim has shown how design can be used to improve spatial qualities through design for the disabled.

Read more here.
