2528 May 2023
My program
2528 May 2023
My program

Locally Alien

Locally alien

A festival for ecological culture in Malmö

In a city like Malmö the fungi, fish, animals, algae and others that aren’t human but live here anyways, don’t come to mind as anything much like Nature. While we might be familiar with a few, many of these different creatures appear as pests, aliens, or simply green street ornaments to be used as we like. Even with the tools of the internet in our pocket, we hardly know them by name, look, or behaviour—we may not even notice them at all. The harm of this separation between people and other life can be seen in ecological crises both locally and globally. Here in the city the presence of shrub or frog is acceptable, on the condition of control. They should look nice or have at least some measurable use, and they definitely can not cause too much trouble.

These relationships we have here, give us hints as to what goes on beyond the city limits. Where plants and animals are controlled, monitored, extracted, and exterminated with unimaginable industrial efficiency to feed economic growth across the planet. We who are organising this event are not from Malmö nor Sweden even, and in learning about these ecologies we hope to connect to the place and people who make and share the city.

The festival is a way of bringing together all different people who live in the city to make this connection by sharing creative practices, culture, knowledge, and stories. To find belonging but also to build social and ecological resilience to an uncertain future.

For more information about events and registration check out our website:

